Joe De Pinto is focused on empowering the gaming community but believes that blockchain technology can positively impact all of humanity.

Joe played four years of professional baseball in the Chicago White Sox and dove into the world of entrepreneurship right after finishing his sports career. He foundedĀ a few companies, including Haste Arcade.

Haste Arcade is the world's first Instant Leaderboard Payout (ILP) system, enabling gamers to get paid for their high scores on virtually any game. The platform also features a software developer kit for game developers who wish to add these new incentive mechanisms to existing or new video games.

We talked about Joe's sports career and process towards building Haste Arcade, play to earn, ILP (Instant Leaderboard Payout), the role of microtransactions on the internet, and ended up sharing diverse takes on eSports, crypto, NFTs, Bitcoin SV, and much more.

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