Converting PDFs to Boost Productivity


Traditionally, small business owners have followed four values to greater business success, but as of recently there has been another value that has found its place in small business management. The traditional values are:

Time management Delegating tasks Good customer relations and Performance tracking

 We are all familiar with these values and they are something we generally all try implementing. But now, there is a 5th and increasingly important value: Tech Proficiency, and even more specifically Mobile Device Efficiencies.

Times change and smartphones are an integral part of our work life today.  We have made a significant switch towards mobile technology in managing business activities on a daily basis. We rely on mobile apps, today more than ever, in order to do even the most basic functions such as checking the weather and asking Siri if we should wear pants or shorts tonight.

 Handling paperwork, dealing with monthly, weekly and daily reports, financial statements, insurance requirements...the list goes on. With the ever growing popularity of mobile apps, small businesses need to step up their tech game and move some of the paperwork to their phones and tablets.

With that being said, here are some specific tips on how to boost your company’s productivity by using mobile apps at your workplace:

Utilize the already owned apps

Most of us have already downloaded several apps to our iPhones or Androids, but never really used them. All of us have apps that came with the phone but we simply overlook those due to not being familiar with them. For example: every iPhone comes with Stocks, iBooks, and several other very useful apps. If you haven’t had the chance to use these them, that’s probably because you never needed to. However, if you plan on improving your knowledge of eBooks, PDF files, and file management, you should definitely keep reading. If you think your app game is up to par, keep reading and you might rethink your app choices.

Utilize the “Suggested Apps”

Suggested apps are the apps 90% people download when they first open their phone, and no, we are not talking about Facebook, Messenger and Twitter. Your business will survive without them (but on a side note, if you are not marketing via Social Media, please start doing so). The 3 apps we would like to point out as most useful productivity apps from the “Suggested” category are Google Drive, Dropbox and Evernote. 

Utilize the little known apps

If you’ve gotten this far down the article, this is where you can really make a difference. Knowing how to approach your employees, how to present your ideas, and how to most efficiently exchange files with coworkers is the key to small business success. And these lesser known apps will help you on that road:

PDF to Word should be your go-to app in case you ever had trouble working with PDF files.