Does your business have a strong online presence?

Is your team dispersed and not all in the same office?

Are you having communication gaps as you grow?

We tackle questions like these as we hear from Tyler J. Anderson and his story of the growth of Casual Fridays.

Tyler J. Anderson is founder and CEO of Casual Fridays, a pro social media team headquartered in San Diego, CA.  He's a social media marketing entrepreneur, and host of the Social Media Social Hour Podcast, as well as Executive Producer of Social Media Day San Diego.

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Businesses that are growing and have team members in different physical locations have much different experiences that businesses did 5 years ago.

Today there are tools and ways to communicate online that didn't exist cost-effectively even 3 years ago!  The ability to communicate in real-time with remote teams makes scaling a business in other states a much more "doable" situation than it was just a few years back.  Of course, just because you can and just because tools exist doesn't mean every business does it well.  Communication for remote teams and team building, team synergies, etc, are all important factors to success.

Tyler J. Anderson breaks down the story of Casual Fridays and how they have scaled in 6 years from 2 to over 22 team members spread out across the United States.  Listeners will learn about what Tyler sees as keys, and the tools that Casual Friday's uses for success.

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