Season II, episode VI of Half Mystic Radio features Jihyun Yun’s poems “Savaging” and “Revisitations”, and Henry Finch’s song “Hessen”. This season hosted by special guest Stephanie Dogfoot. #halfmysticspeaks

Half Mystic is an independent publishing house, literary journal, radio show, and arts organisation dedicated to the celebration of music in all its forms. You can find the full show notes, including the text of the two pieces featured in this episode, at:

Jihyun Yun is a Korean-American poet, educator & Fulbright Research Fellow. A winner of the Prairie Schooner Book Prize, her full length collection Some Are Always Hungry was published by The University of Nebraska Press in September 2020. She received her BA in Psychology from UC Davis, and her MFA from New York University where she was a fully funded fellow. Originally from California, she now resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Henry Finch is author of the chapbook Reversing Falls (forthcoming SurVision 2021), winner of the 2020 James Tate International Poetry Prize. A graduate of the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop, his writing and translations appear in Apofenie, North American Review, Seattle Review, About Place, and many other journals. With Andra Rotaru, he co-edits Crevice (Romania). He lives in Berlin.