The Dynamically Drunken Duo get all religious on ya.

In this alcohol-fueled episode, Brett and Rob, in the spirit of Episode 017 - Common Objections from the Right, are back and slaying common objections from the Christian Right. They tackle:

Libertarians will let drugs flood our streets Libertarians are immoral hedonists A libertarian society would let sexual immorality run rampant Libertarianism is un-Christian Libertarians are all pro-choice Libertarians are anti-family Ron Paul and his supporters are like a cult Jesus was anti-individualist

Don't worry, the guys didn't ignore the big-I issue (Israel). That segment had to be cut for time from this episode, but it will be released in a few weeks as its own bonus episodelet.

Resources Mentioned (or alluded to) In This Episode:

The Libertarian Christian Institute Liberty & Virtue Video Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

This Episode's Drink of Choice: The Sexton Single Malt Irish Whiskey