Previous Episode: Hair myths

Hair loss has become one of the most blamed reasons for stress in the current population.
• today I'm gonna reveal the top 15 causes/ reasons for hair loss. Once you know about these causes you can prevent hair loss early and help grow your hair.
• Hi, this is doctor John Dermatologist, trichologist, venereologist, and a hair transplant surgeon. founder of trichos hair transplant Institute and Research Centre. Performed more than than 1500 hair transplants passionately and still counting. I'll go on with the list in no particular order so let's start

1. hereditary hair loss. Its quite common. mostly in men and also in women.
In men, we usually see a balding patch or a receding hairline. we think that such kind of baldness doesn't happen in women. it is wrong. it happens in women as well. do you wanna know how ? it starts in women from the top area of scalp where there is parting. the hair starts thinning and the parting increases.

With proper treatment, hair can be restored in such conditions . so you don't have to worry about that, but you have to identify early otherwise controlling hair loss becomes difficult.

2. alopecia areata or AA. in alopecia areata what happens is you get a round or near circular bald patch where you don't see even a single hair and the skin feels very smooth to touch. so this is how you can identify. it can occur on any part of your body it could be on the scalp it could be on eyebrows, on the beard, on the body hair anywhere. there are people in whom these round bald spots can grow and merge to become alopecia totalis (entire scalp) or alopecia Universalis (entre body). this activity occurs basically because of autoimmunity. Antibodies develop against our own hair. We should check for the presence of other autoimmune conditions as well.
This is a treatable condition and regrowth is possible in most situations.

3. cancer treatment. people who are receiving cancer treatment/ chemotherapy. It's a Treatment with strong Chemicals, so almost 90% of people receiving cancer treatment Experience A temporary hair loss. After finishing the the treatment, hair usually grows back.

4.pregnancy. pregnant women tend to lose hair because their body is supporting two lives. And at the same time because of the hormonal influence, and stress can add to the damage. Again this is a treatable condition, most of the hair grows back.

5. anaemia. lack of hemoglobin or decreased amount of hemoglobin in blood can cause hair loss. In fact this the most common reason for hair loss in women. With iron supplements and proper diet, hair growth resumes.

6. stress . stress stands out as a very strong reason.stress can cause many other ailments. hair loss is just one part.
This should be treated by changing lifestyle. Start meditation. In extreme cases, seek medical help. People recover well, once the stimuli causing stress are removed.

7. long term illnesses. people who are suffering from chronic illnesses or who are bedridden for a longer period or for example who are admitted for more than 10 or 12 days due to Typhoid or admitted to hospital because of a road traffic accident, can loose hair.
Hair grows back in most cases once general health improves.

8. cosmetics and salon. people who use hair cosmetics which contain Harsh chemicals or undero salon procedures like hair straightening, hair perming and simple procedure as usage of hair dye. these harmful Chemicals break the peptide bonds in the hair structure and inturn result in hair loss . they also create an artificial traction On The Hair roots that causes most damage. hair dyes contains para phenylenediamine which is very harmful agent. So choose yourvhair products wisely.

9. hormonal imbalance. usually women experience hormonal imbalance due to underlying PC OS or PCOD. Polycystic ovarian syndrome or Polycystic ovarian disease. Women experience irregularities of menstrual cycle because of the formation of cysts in the ovary.
Consult your gynecologist,