Wha Happun, you ask?! Well, Matt McMuscles--one of our all-time favorite internet personalities of ALL TIME--stopped by the Dogcast to jib and jab with us! A titan of YouTube, Matt's endlessly entertaining and informative "Wha Happun?" videos are watched by millions across the world and have been required viewing for all of us in Dogcastland. If you ever wanted to know the true story behind some of the most notorious game releases of all time, you have to seriously check out his channel. You won't be sorry.

We talk with Matt about all the things, such as: What it takes to make "Wha Happun" happen! How the internet may love to tell you how much you don't know! Matt's new game "The Takeover"...with music from one of the best game composers ever! We all love Tommy Wiseau?! And so much more! Oh, and our booth may have collapsed mid-interview and almost killed Mr. McMuscles, but hey, he's Canadian so he was naturally very nice about the whole thing.

Check it out!

And subscribe to Matt's YouTube Channel here:

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