2002 - From the Comedy News Headquarters on the Internet, it's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY, hosted by Vic Shuttee and Chandler Dean. 2002 enters quietly, and eager for progress. Coming off the Patriots in Clown Suits zenith post 9/11, there are many more variables at play – what’s fair game to joke about? How comfortable is our rising star Steve Carell, and will Hollywood be calling his name sooner than we think. Are newer correspondents Matt Walsh and Lauren Weedman adapting to the show and making a significant impact? But no one can prepare for the biggest question: will Jon Stewart be snagged away by ABC? Questions asked and answer in this break down of the Jon Stewart’s four season on The Daily Show, from January to June. Plus, the Middle East and Catholic Priests, the debut of new powerhouses Rob Corddry and Ed Helms and a reckoning for the sexist media coverage (and a lamp shading of the show’s icky practice of limiting women in studio). Catch-up on the first 6 months of the political comedy series that redefined a genre, with this audiobook special deep-dive presentation hosted by Vic Shuttee and Chandler Dean. Part 1 of 4. The Daily Show Weekly is an unofficial fan podcast designed to serve as a critical companion to the original series, which can be watched in clips at CC.com. Our thoughts and criticism are intended to enhance the viewing experience for fans new and old journeying through Jon Stewart’s groundbreaking talk show run. Our awesome album artwork is designed by Felipe Flores Comics! #2002InReview