MARCH 29, 2019 - It's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY, hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Chandler Dean (@chandlerjdean)! Jon breaks out some key moments this week with a significant interview with not President Al Gore, and goes after the Mississippi Mirth Trent Lott and 100-year-old Strom Thurmond. But we invent a needless a shy Corddry, and spend way too much time marking our calendars. The Daily Show Weekly is an unofficial fan podcast designed to serve as a critical companion to the original series, which can be watched in clips at Our thoughts and criticism are intended to offer historical reflection and enhance the viewing experience for new and old fans journeying through Jon Stewart’s seminal talk show run. Our awesome album artwork is designed by Felipe Flores Comics! #HalleysCometofBigotry