When wrestling enjoyed a major boom period in the 1980s, the manager figure still had an integral role to play. Managers could add something to the story lines and rivalries, and sometimes they could create their own feuds out of nowhere. They were mainly used as tools to win wrestlers with limited mic skills over with the crowd. They acted as a mouthpiece in their interviews and helped them find their voice. But during the Attitude Era, the manager breed started to die out, mainly due to the fact that sexuality and violence was all that was needed to get over.

There was a recent attempt to revive the manager gimmick by pairing up an excellent talker with a less than gifted wrestler with a great look but no ability to connect with the fans. There are some wrestlers now that have great skills but cannot get over due to a lack of charisma. Whether or not the WWE decides to instigate this once again, managers were responsible for so many entertaining moments back in the day, and they were an everyday feature of wrestling during the Golden Age of Pro Wrestling.

The Professor and Jay B celebrate Tommy's birthday with the gift of the GREATEST MANAGER IN PRO WRESTLING HISTORY!