Curtain Jerker segment:
-Eminem on SDLive
-“I have ‘til 5, referee”
-Kofi’s “ticket” to Mania
-Slutty Bayley

NXT and Crumpets:
-Johnny/Sid arrive
-Flash vs Wolfy
-Kassius Ohno
-Amir/Kenny vs Huxley/T-Bone
-Jinny is sick of hearing about Toni
-Jinny vs Toni confirmed
-Eddie Dennis is malevolent
-Noam Dar
-It ain’t easy being a Brookside
-Xia vs Rhea setup
Wild Boar/Primate vignette
-Kay Lee Ray vs Candy Floss
-Acceptable uses of dubstep
-Mustache Mountain
-WrestleMania commercial
-Dunne/Walter vs Regular/Decaf
-Dunne and Walter stare down

NXT Proper Recap:
-Mustache Mountain vs Forgotten Sons
-I hate them so much
-Matt Riddle and Adam Cole
-Io vs Bianca
-Dijakovic/Lee Saga recap
-Black-ochet vs DIY
-Johnny’s plan revealed
-What will they do now?

Dark Match segment:
-Captain Marvel Review


Also, be sure to follow my new unapologetically Right-wing political podcast...

Get your emails into the Feline-Spirited Electronic Messaging System to ask BRV, Strangler Steve and myself questions on the next mailbag episode of #WLR:
[email protected]