It's hotter than Meltzers jock strap at a PWG show in the Locker Room today as the veterans of take on all of this weeks top stories heading into Summerslam. Hamin and Stevie give their predictions on who is going over. 

-Jericho to collaborate with Conspiracy Horsemen
-Justin Credible Arrested
-JBL Congratulates AJ
-Meltzer has heat w/ WWE Locker Room
-WWE Locker Room has no clue how to No Sell
-Kevin Smith puts over Y2J's work on movie
-Bubba Ray talks about Rousey being top star
-Veteran Diva heats on Charlotte on twitter
-Jeff Jarrett suing Anthem Sports 
-Flip Gordon on using his military background
-Rey Mesterio pulls out of NEW but stays All In

All this and more on your SummerSlam Go Home Locker Room Stoogetacular. It's a 6 star kind of day.