It's time to hit the Road w/ the Friday Veteran Locker Room. Before HackerHamin and Big Stevie Cool have to catch their flights to work Rocky Mountain Pro this weekend, they tag up to run down the end of the weeks news including:

-Conspiracy Horsemen Preview
-What did VKM say to Rhonda Rousey before her WM match?
-Becky Lynch would meet Ireland President if Champ
-Sanity Member getting over w/ the Office
-Miz & Mrs. doing well in ratings
-Rock buys stuntman cousin a truck
-Karl Anderson has a new son
-Jeff Hardy discusses Injuries, Matt's future?
-Teacher w/ Nazi Gimmick goes over strong
-Hulk Hogan everywhere bruther
-Dan Severn on CM Punk fights
-Harry Smith on Bret/HBK heat and Owen HOF

It's time to bring back the Tag Titles for Hamin and Stevie has got to take on OVW Owner Al Snow! Will he have to answer for turning on his ECW past, and joining The Conspiracy Horsemen!