The Corresponding Source

The Corresponding Source (formerly Free as in Freedom) is a bi-weekly oggcast, hosted and presented by
Bradley M. Kuhn and Karen Sandler.
The discussion includes legal, policy, and many other issues in the Free, Libre,
and Open Source Software (FLOSS) world. Occasionally, guests join
Bradley and Karen to discuss various topics regarding FLOSS.

The Corresponding Source is produced by Dan Lynch
music written and performed
by Mike Tarantino
with Charlie Paxson on drums.

Please email feedback and comments on the show
to <[email protected]>. You
can keep in touch on SFC
XMPP room at [email protected]
. You
can also
follow SFC on
the Fediverse

Follow the RSS and Other Feeds

Link to the podcast webcast

There is RSS for both ogg format
and mp3 format.

Thanks to Dan Lynch for posting the tip.