Make a website using the HPR RSS Feed

Welcome to part II of my experiment in how much can be done with the data ion the HPR feed

In my previous episode I discussed taking the data from the HPR feed and stuffing the useful bits into a sqlite database.

Today, Ill discuss some of my adventures generating a static site using the feed data

Lessons learned

Maybe skip DB step
I tend to over use Markdown - sometimes HTML is Better
So much content on HPR


My original intent was to create markdown files that could be feed into an existing static site generator, something like Hugo or Jekyll.

I started with markdown but had to add too much html.

I'm am a bit fan of using Markdown, but it did not fit this particular use case

Peewee - ORM -
Jinja - Templates -

Feed as source of data

I added some HTML for header footer


bootstrap CSS columns
hpr logo




Main page listing the most recent shows
A page listing all shows
Individual pages for each show
A page listing all the hosts
individual page for each host

One thing I would like to see on the HPR page is a count of how many shows there are for each host. I have enough data, so I added show counts.

Missing data

host profiles - web page, avatars
Summary - The short 100 character summary of what your show is about
Other pages on the HPR site.

What you need to know
How to help out
Requested topics

How does it work

Peewee to read from sqlite file
Python aggregates the appropriate data
Jinja Templates for

index - passed data from most recent shows
All shows
host page
corespondents - all host


Incorporate Comment feed
Generate static copy of RSS feed.
Copy content from HPR pages that are not in the RSS feed.
Generate Tags from Keywords in the show notes.
Only use the Full Feed on the first run.


Project - - Suggestions/Pull Requests are welcome
Example site -