Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got revolutionary pleasure, intellectual yoga, mindful kids, and more.

For all the links, check out the show notes: https://www.hacktheprocess.com/revolutionary-pleasure-intellectual-yoga-mindful-kids-and-more-in-process-hacker-news/


You can now enroll your kids in the Mindful Arts for the Classroom, a ninety-minute online workshop set to happen on August 18 for children to learn mindfulness habits taught by Andrew Nance.

Link up with the international design community at Joint Futures from September 3 to 5 in Helsinki, Finland and catch Jina Anne as she hosts the conference and runs a design workshop.

From September 13 to 14, the 2nd Annual Mindfulness in Society Conference will be held at the NHTI Campus in New Hampshire. Integrating mindfulness with higher education, they will be featuring authors and speakers in the field of mindfulness like Rhonda Magee.

On the Live in the Feast Podcast with Jason Reznick, Tom Morkes dives into generosity and how he uses his pay what you want pricing scheme to grow his audience.

Listen as career coach EB Sanders and podcast host Paula Jenkins discuss how you can feel joy by designing a career and life that works for you on the Jumpstart Your Joy Podcast.

The generation gap seems to be dividing us all, but in Brian Solis’s latest article, he suggests that older generations should be more understanding of millennials and centennials and collaborate instead of contradict.

It’s possible to build solidarity among women in the workplace with these five actions proposed by Joy Wiggins and Kami Anderson on Young Upstarts.

After dropping by a bookstore and discovering a book named Pleasure Activism, Daniel Coffeen felt compelled to express his views on why pleasure is revolutionary.

For the new graduates, Serenity Williams has published a list in Forbes of the best business books for recent graduates, including Nine Lies About Work, a book co-written by Ashley Goodall.

Improve your decision-making with an easy process recommended by Julian Hayes in his recent Inc article.

Recommended Resources
Charles Eisenstein, whom Jenny Feinberg mentioned in her Hack the Process interview, plans to present Metaphysics and Mystery, an online course set to engage the mind in unorthodox and outstanding ideas, which they describe as intellectual yoga. The course goes live on August 12.

Get to spend an evening opening your hearts and minds to Cheri Huber at Practicing in Difficult Times in Pennsylvania on September 1. Cheri was discussed by Mike Massy and Kate Swoboda.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.