Pride, ADHD, Working from Home, and More in Process Hacker News

Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got pride, ADHD, working from home, and more.

For all the links, check out the show notes at


From June 26 to 27, the first Wisdom 2.0 Compassion in Leadership Summit will be held in Mountain View, California, where mindfulness practitioners such as Rhonda Magee plan to help mold new, effective, and compassionate leaders.

The Billy Penn Awards Gala is happening on June 26 to honor awesome Philadelphians who made an impact, including Alex Hillman.

One of our recent Hack the Process guests, Marissa Orr was featured on Yahoo Finance, where she discussed the truth about women and power in the workplace.

Rand Fishkin, co-founder of SparkToro, joins Tara Hunt and Carlos Pacheco on The Anatomy of a Strategy Podcast to share his insights on startup life, growth hacks, and online marketing.

Check out the new lyrics video of Roubama, a song by Mike Massy featuring Egyptian guitarist, vocalist, and screen actor Hany Adel.

As a celebration of Pride month and a prequel to Frank Strona’s TEDxProvincetown talk, Frank decided to share the video he used for Story Center to show how what you see isn’t always what you know.

Congratulations to Ashley Goodall whose book with Marcus Buckingham, Nine Lies About Work, made it onto Amazon’s Best Business and Leadership Books of 2019!

For Maneesh Sethi, ADHD is a superpower, not a disorder, because it helped him create Pavlok, a habit-changing wearable device.

In the July-August issue of Harvard Business Review, discover the one thing you need to know about managing functions, as explained by Jennifer Riel and her co-author, Roger L. Martin.

If you think working from home should be a piece of cake, think again. Jon Dykstra lists twelve work-from-home pitfalls and precautions to help you plan your process.

Recommended Resources
Seth Godin’s book recommendations list, for June, 2019 includes Tiffani Bova’s book, Growth IQ. Seth has been a source of inspiration for Tara Byrne and [Alex Cespedes]((

Awakening with Epstein will be in Varese, Italy from June 28 to 30 to let you experience the EpiField Exchange and become a more authentic version of yourself. Donny Epstein’s work was recommended by [Adam Siddiq]( ddiq-on-hack-the-process-podcast/) during his Hack the Process interview.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.