Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got personal branding, work disagreements, event planning, and more.

For all the links, check out the show notes: https://www.hacktheprocess.com/personal-branding-work-disagreements-event-planning-and-more-in-process-hacker-news/


On October 9, join Nicaila Matthews-Okome at Side Hustle Pro Live in Washington, DC with her special guest Maya Elious, a personal branding pro who will break down the details of how she bootstrapped her own business.

Get your laugh on at Isn’t She Funny, with Sarah Cooper among the dude-free line-up on September 30 in Brooklyn, New York.

What separates great companies from the rest? Learn about identifying your customers and positioning your brand from April Dunford on the Escape Velocity Podcast.

The Anthony Eisenman Show features Bill Wooditch talking about learning from mistakes and making down payments on your success.

Going beyond the usual check-the-box diversity workshops, Michelle Kim tells Nurole how her organization, Awaken, takes a different approach and promotes deeper conversations around diversity and inclusion.

Inspired by National Women’s Equality Day, Kimberly Wiefling shares insights and infographics about on how we can promote gender equality at work.

In response to Forbes mentioning only one woman innovator among ninety-nine men, Sarah Robb O’Hagan has released a list of ninety nine innovative women, including lean social impact champion Ann Mei Chang, Bozoma Saint John who was mentioned by Sasha Ariel Alston, and Susan Cain, who was recommended by Ron Carucci.

Problems at work sometimes stem from disputes. The newest Hack the Process guest, Steve Farber recommends a few strategies to keep disagreements from ruining work relationships in his recent Inc article.

Brian Solis is featured along with Tim Ferriss, Marie Kondo, and Esther Perel in this article on how to be the best version of you.

Recommended Resources
Some folks struggle as businesspeople while yearning to take on a role they are more passionate about. Anita Wing Lee, mentioned by Tara Byrne, was one of them. Read how she chose to be an artist as opposed to being an entrepreneur in her newest blog entry.

The Event Planner Expo will happen in New York City from October 1 to 3, showcasing some of the top speakers in the events industry, including Gary Vaynerchuk, whose work has inspired Malek Banoun, Tara Hunt, and Zack Friedman.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.