Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got magic, evolution, transformation, and more.

For all the links, check out the show notes: https://www.hacktheprocess.com/magic-evolution-transformation-and-more-in-process-hacker-news/


Join Velocity Squared from January 29 to 30 in London to learn how to maintain and manage business growth. April Dunford will attend as a speaker.

In an interview on the WorkTrends Podcast, Steve Farber shares the wisdom of bringing love to work and explains why love is good business.

Ron Carucci pays a visit to the Net Worth It Podcast and discusses how to reignite your dreams when you’ve quit.

Loic Le Meurhas a new shamanic outlook and a new Transformation podcast to go with it.

WAKR News featured David Weinberger to have him share his thoughts on artificial intelligence.

The Product Collective published Rich Mironov’s talk, Intro to Product Leadership, from the recently concluded INDUSTRY The Product Conference 2019.

Our latest Hack the Process guest, Christina Wodtke has recently published a book called The Team that Managed Itself. Congratulations, Christina!

The London International Development Network’s 34th Weekly Roundup has published their overview of Ann Mei Chang’s book, Lean Impact.

Alistair Clay says the best email signatures can convert customers as part of an orchestrated PR plan. Learn how from his blog post.

Recommended Resources
Capitalism is coming to an end — or perhaps capitalism is evolving. Geoffrey Moore, whose books Zvi Band gathered inspiration from, thinks back to the beginning of capitalism and how it’s been changing continuously to this day.

Mindvalley is presenting a new parenting masterclass to teach parents how to be less reactive so they can bring up confident and authentic kids. Dr. Shefali Tsabary, referenced by Heather Chauvin, and Vishen Lakhiani, mentioned by Michelle Dale will be leading the class.

Nathan Barry, mentioned by Justin McGill shares his excitement about a house he built and the magic of creating.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.