Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got business dinners, beautiful sorrows, trailblazers, and more.

For all the links check out the show notes at https://www.hacktheprocess.com/business-dinners-beautiful-sorrows-trailblazers-and-more-in-process-hacker-news/


The Voice Matters Workshop is open again from September 2 to 4 in Beirut, Lebanon. Mike Massy will teach vocalization techniques to express emotions.

The MENTour, founded by JuVan Langford, is bringing Manifest, a three-day men’s health conference, to Sydney, Australia on November 15 to 17. Register to network and get support from other men.

After quitting his corporate job, Josh Zloof went on to revolutionize the instant coffee industry by founding Sudden Coffee. Listen to his story on the Lessons From A Quitter Podcast.

In today’s digital age, is a business lunch or dinner out of date? Maybe not! A new episode of the $100MBA Podcast with Omar Zenhom explains how it can be a pretty good investment.

Nicaila Matthews-Okome pays a visit to NBC News Today, where she explains how she turned her passion into a business and how to know if a side hustle suits you.

KALW News shines the spotlight on Andrew Nance who shares how he teaches mindfulness to kids in San Francisco.

BookAds is an agency that helps authors advertise their books, and co-founder Brian Bernie discusses using Amazon ads to boost book sales with Tom Morkes on the In the Trenches Podcast.

Thaddeus Russell of The Unregistered Podcast is joined by Daniel Coffeen who discusses why, for him, there is beauty in pain and sorrow.

Brian Solis offers 11 strategies to spark creativity in your employees to maximize their potential and build a more creative business.

The Crank n’ Bank content strategy means putting out as much content as you can as fast as you can. Jon Dykstra explains how useful that approach can be.

Recommended Resources
Did you know that Marc Benioff, founder of Salesforce and a resource mentioned by Tiffani Bova, is coming out with a new book? It’s called Trailblazer, and it should hit the shelves in October.

Leading without demanding authority is possible. Keith Ferrazzi, an entrepreneur and author mentioned by Ryan Waggoner, recently gave a talk on redefining organizational culture that was published by Mindvalley, which was founded by Vishen Lakhiani, one of the influences Michelle Dale mentioned.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.