Future Designs, Mindset Tricks, Fitness Formulas, and More

Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got future designs, mindset tricks, fitness formulas, and more.

For all the links in this episode, check out the show notes at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-july-3-2018-future-designs-mindset-tricks-fitness-formulas-and-more/


Fund Club, a donation aggregator founded by Ashe Dryden, has announced their spotlight project of the month: Outreachy, which provides free and open source software internships to cis and trans gender folks and other underrepresented people in tech. Go donate today.

On July 25, Jina Anne will be on the panel of Google Design’s Design is Systematic, a monthly speaker series on the future of design and creativity.

Shackled by Adam Siddiq needs your vote to win TCK Publishing’s Reader’s Choice Awards 2018. TCK Publishing is run by another Hack the Process guest, Tom Corson-Knowles.

Want to meet interesting people and have a chat with them over tea? Ankit Shah, the founder of Tea with Strangers, has taken the organization global. Go see if anyone is hosting a tea time in your part of the world.

Paula Jenkins recently had Jill Stanton on Jumpstart Your Joy to share how she built up her business, Screw the 9 to 5, with her husband, and how they shifted their work life around to make more time for family.

A child’s behavior does not need fixing according to Heather Chauvin. Listen to the latest episode of Mom is In Control to hear her explain how a child’s behavior is sometimes a reflection of our actions and reactions.

Do you need pre-workout formula to get results? Listen to Malek Banoun’s answer in his latest video. He’s also offering people who fill out his fitness questionnaire a 12-week fitness program for free!

Rich Mironov put up a new article defining the different types of companies from B2B to enterprise and how their structural differences can affect the role of product managers.

Tests have been around ever since educational institutions were created, but are they really doing students any good? Daniel Coffeen shares his thoughts about why tests kill thinking.

Recommended Resources
Bozoma Saint John, who was mentioned as one of the influences of the most recent Hack the Process guest, Sasha Ariel Alston, was included in a list of the world’s most influential CMOs of 2018 in Forbes. Congratulations, Bozoma!

Everyone has a bad day once in a while, so here are 3 mindset tricks to get your positivity back from Brendon Burchard, a resource mentioned by Jay Wong.

TV may be dead but social media thrives. Listen to this video of Gary Vaynerchuk at an event in France as he explains why social media is the best way to grab the attention of consumers. Tara Hunt and Malek Banoun both mentioned Gary in their interviews.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.