Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got music releases, presentation tips, falling cryptocurrencies, and more. Enjoy!

And for all the links, check out the show notes at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-may-15-2018-music-releases-presentation-tips-falling-cryptocurrencies-and-more/

Bravo, the new album from Mike Massy, is now out on iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify. Physical copies of Bravo may also be purchased at Buy Lebanese.

On May 22, join Rich Mironov at Understanding Enterprise Product Management as he differentiates companies building enterprise tech products from companies creating mass consumer tech products.

Congratulations to Andi Galpern, who has joined Cloud App as a Design Educator and Producer. She also just published a blog post full of great presentation design tips to wow your audience.

The most recent Hack the Process guest, Steve Goldbach and his co-author, Geoff Tuff, were interviewed by The Marketing Journal about the concepts in their newly-launched book, Detonate: Why and How Corporations Need to Blow Up Best Practices.

The Resilient Lawyer Podcast features Rhonda Magee sharing her ideas about how compassion and mindfulness can fight social bias.

Being partners in business and partners in life can cause some friction in one or the other, but Omar Zenhom dishes out some secrets about how to work and live with your significant other in their 1000th episode.

Doug Morneau is a guest on The Business Building Rockstars Show with Nicole Holland, and explains how to identify your customer avatar to generate sales.

On the We Have A Microphone Podcast, Michael and Hampton Catlin sip on a Park Life Swizzle and chat about hauntings.

Mom Is In Control has a new episode in which Heather Chauvin gets honest about how jealousy can be a mental cancer. Don’t let it consume you!

Bitcoin dropped more than ten percent in the past week, sending the cryptocurrency market scurrying. Find out on Carter Thomas’s Coin Mastery if he believes it can recover.

Recommended Resources
You can join Mindvalley U for a month-long transformational journey in Tallinn, Estonia from June 28 to July 22. Mindvalley is brought to you by Vishen Lakhiani, who was recommended by Michelle Dale.

Modernization in digital transformation and innovation isn’t enough without a true purpose according a new blog entry by to Brian Solis, who was recommended by Tara Hunt.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.