Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got rational miracles, habitual courage, strategic differentiation, and more. Enjoy!

For all the links, check out the show notes at https://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-may-8-2018-rational-miracles-habitual-courage-strategic-differentiation-and-more/

Kate Swoboda just launched her book, The Courage Habit, which she talks about in an interview with Paula Jenkins, another former Hack the Process guest, on the Jumpstart Your Joy podcast.

Join Jina Anne and other speakers at SF Design Week’s Evolving Design Systems conference on June 12.

Engel Jones has another audacious goal: To meet 1001 of his podcast guests face to face in the US and Canada in twelve weeks. Help prove the power of a conversation by supporting Engel’s aim!

So SmugMug took over Flickr, and Tara Hunt shares her take on this new development. Can they truly make social great again?

Just what exactly is a miracle? Kyeli and Pace Smith break down what miracles are in a more scientific sense in a new episode of The Dervish and the Mermaid.

Handle rejections and stay motivated using these tips from the most recent episode of the Thriving Launch Podcast, hosted by Kamala Chambers and Luis Congdon.

The Fierce Entrepreneur Podcast features Byron Morrison, who shares how failure helped him create a successful business.

As a leader, you can avoid creating a toxic culture by paying attention to these useful tips in a recent article written by Ron Carucci. Ron also pays a visit to Mitch Russo’s podcast to chat about the strategy of differentiation.

What happens to SEO when you stop posting to social media sites? Jon Dykstra reveals his discoveries in a new article on the Fat Stacks Blog.

Recommended Resources
Couples Therapy, a new podcast hosted by Casey Neistat and Candice Pool, just released two new episodes! Josh Haynam recommends Casey’s vlogs.

Spend two days in intensive workshops with Hay House authors at Hay House U Live in Toronto from May 19 to 20. Hay House was founded by Louise Hay, whose books Mike Massy found inspiring.

On June 29, Social Media Day Denver 2018: Mile High Influence will be featuring a bunch of great speakers including John Lee Dumas, who is an influence on Tom Morkes, Nicaila Matthews, and Nicole Holland.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.