Process Hacker News for April 17, 2018
Trust in social media, San Francisco memories, a good night’s sleep, and more!

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Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got trust in social media, San Francisco memories, a good night’s sleep, and more. Enjoy!

Get your tickets for the first Pennsylvania Coworking Conference on April 26, where Indy Hall Founder, Alex Hillman is taking part as a keynote speaker.

In a recent interview on the Careers by Jen podcast, Jon De Waal explains how career transitions produce the best life transformation.

Daily Crypto features Coin Mastery host Carter Thomas to discuss cryptocurrency investing, trading, and psychology.

Jay Wong published a special episode where he reveals how he discovered his gift and hopes his tips will help you find yours. He also just interviewed Real Estate Investment Network’s CEO, Patrick Francey, on real estate investments.

On the Business Owner’s Freedom Formula Podcast, Gavin Zuchlinski explains how to save time and automate your calendar with his product, Acuity.

As a guest on the Create Your Own Life Podcast, Nicole Holland shares about her career and overcoming fear to become a business rockstar. In Nicole’s own podcast, she has a chat with Steve Sims, the founder of Bluefish, the company that makes impossible events happen.

Facebook is getting a lot of heat because of their recent confidentiality breach, and Ricky Yean writes about what it will take to trust Facebook again.

Andi Galpern’s tenth year in San Francisco promoted her to write a blog post thinking back to the time she first decided to live in SF.

Find out why a good night’s sleep is key to a high-performance team from an article in Entrepreneur written by Julian Hayes II.

Rich Mironov stresses the value of talking directly to real customers in his recent Medium post.

Recommended Resources
Win ten business and personal development books being given away by Smart Passive Income’s Pat Flynn, who was a huge influence on some Hack the Process guests including Nicaila Matthews, Omar Zenhom, and Paula Jenkins.

How do you know how much time you should spend in product discovery? Find out in this blog post by Teresa Torres, recommended by Rich Mironov.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, a resource mentioned by Tom Morkes, Omar Zenhom, Ricky Yean, and Loic Le Meur, expresses optimism about Tesla Model 3 Sedan production in an interview on CBS News.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.