Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got Amish barns, traveling vagabonds, cooking entrepreneurs, and more. Enjoy!

For all the links, visit the show notes for this episode at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-april-3-2018/

Pledge $100 a month for a great cause by joining Fund Club by Ashe Dryden. This week, Fund Club will be raising funds for Project Alloy, a group that builds an inclusive tech community by offering financial grants to early-career individuals and underrepresented people in tech so they can attend tech conferences.

Several Amish families whose barns were struck by a tornado, but whose community helped them get back on their feet, show how overcoming change is possible with other people’s help. This story is shared and explained in a blog post by Jon DeWaal.

Avochato, whose CEO is Alex De Simone, just came out with a blog post about how the bands Krewella and ZHU sell out tours by using Avochato. Read on to see how the magic happens!

Luis Congdon has a new essay in Entrepreneur about how relying only on social media marketing can be disastrous for business. He’s also got a new podcast interview in which he chats about traveling the world with Author Rolf Potts, author of Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel.

LeadFuze, founded by Justin McGill, and RightMessage by Brennan Dunn just teamed up to bring you a workshop about how to supercharge leads and conversions, happening on April 4.

Veterans are welcome to join a one-day pathfinder program on April 15 at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco for a day of fun and community. It’s free for those who have served since 1990. Bill Duane is the Vice Chairman of the Board of Veteran’s Path, the organization that brings vets together.

The Have It All Podcast’s latest episode talks about how to let go of making others wrong, because as hosts Guy and Ilan Ferdman have learned, judging other people’s behavior just causes you stress.

Post-workout meals are just as important as the workout itself. That’s why Malek Banoun focuses on this subject in his latest vlog.

What’s men’s empowerment coach JuVan Langford up to lately? Watch a day in the life of JuVan.

Listen to Chef Fabio Viviani chat with Jay Wong about cookbooks, entrepreneurship, and the true cost of success on The Inner Changemaker Podcast.

Recommended Resources
Military veterans can turn their skills into a corporate career. How? Read up on this article created by Dorie Clark, who was mentioned as a resource by Nicole Holland and Ron Carucci.

Jayna Dall guests on Entrepreneurs Journey to tell host Yaro Starak how she turned children’s lesson plans into a $250,000 a year online business. Michelle Dale is a follower of Yaro’s entrepreneurial journey.

Kim Scott, recommended by Ron Carucci will be in London for TNN Speak-up on April 10, which will help inform entrepreneurs about the future of feedback. It’s free to register!

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.