Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got reclaiming confidence, purpose & legacy, not-so-free video games, and more. Enjoy!

For all the links, check out the show notes at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-march-20-2018/

The newly-launched RightMessage by Brennan Dunn just published their feature roadmap. Interested in seeing what they can do for your website? Request a free demo!

DC folks, come check out Nicaila Matthews on Let’s Talk Entrepreneurship by SheSaysDC on March 22, where she’ll be among three panelists to talk about their beginnings, their careers, and their struggles.

Work at Indy Hall, founded by Alex Hillman, during Open Hall on April 9 with free day passes and catch the live acoustic performance of Saint Anytime which will go down at 7PM.

You’ll find Rich Mironov back in Dublin, Ireland again on April 11 for Managing Stakeholders and Priorities, a one-day workshop for Product Managers. Everyone who attends gets a copy of Rich’s The Art of Product Management.

Learn about Reclaiming Confidence on March 23 through a free workshop with Paula Jenkins.

Stephen Hawking inspired many people, and Heather Chauvin is one of them. Listen to her episode about purpose and legacy on the Mom Is In Control Podcast.

Carter Thomas was recently on the Bad Crypto Podcast, talking technical analysis. Crypto followers can also subscribe to Carter’s YouTube channel at Coin Mastery to stay on top of cryptocurrency trends.

In the latest of episode of The Dervish and the Mermaid, you can listen to Kyeli and Pace Smith‘s take on why free video games are not free after all.

When your projects are finished, it doesn’t just end there. Find out the three things you need to do when you finish a project in the newest article from by Curtis McHale.

Recommended Resources
View from the Top founder Aaron Walker, whom Engel Jones recommended following, will take part in 3-Day MBA 2018, where the secrets and processes of the featured business folks will be uncovered.

Boost the credibility of your page using these tips from Live Your Message founder Marisa Murgatroyd’s blog. Nicole Holland went through a program of Marisa’s.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.