Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got billionaires, soft fronts, wild hearts, and a meaningless, uncaring universe. Enjoy!

If you want to center your business around love and inspiration, sign up for The Heart of Money, a course created by Mark Silver which starts on February 28.

A free online summit hosted by Tom Morkes called the $100K Launch School begins February 19th and runs until the 24th. Two of our other past Hack the Process guests, Brennan Dunn and Ryan Waggoner, along with myself, are among the featured speakers.

As a speaker at Relationships and the Health-Promoting Power of Connection Across the Lifespan, Rhonda Magee will be discussing the value of compassionate, inclusive communication. This event will be held at UCLA from March 16 to 18.

Are you wondering what role managers play in Agile teams? On February 28, Ron Lichty will be speaking about that to the Beyond Agile group at Impact Hub in Seattle.

Looking for funding for your tech projects related to diversity and inclusion? Ashe Dryden and her team at Fund Club would love to give you a hand. Apply now!

Rich Mironov was interviewed on InfoQ’s Engineering Culture podcast about product development trends.

Entrepreneur Naveen Jain guests on The Inner Changemaker Podcast with Jay Wong to explain what’s involved in becoming a billionaire.

Anxiety and depression are ongoing life issues Pace Smith and Kyeli have to deal with. In the latest podcast episode of The Dervish and the Mermaid, they share how some recent medication changes help them not care whether the universe is a meaningless, uncaring void.

Process Street, founded by Vinay Patankar was featured on INC.com as one of four tools to run your company remotely.

LeadFuze led by Justin McGill recently published a new article showing some copywriting principles to test out in sales and email campaigns.

Recommended Resources
In Brene Brown’s most recent interview on the On Being Podcast, she emphasizes the importance of having a strong back, soft front and a wild heart. Brene was referenced by two of our past guests, Kate Swoboda and Heather Chauvin.

Living Compassion has opened registration for two workshops, Conscious Compassionate Action and Parenting with the Mentor. Cheri Huber, admired by Kate Swoboda and referenced during Mike Massy’s episode of Hack the Process, is a mindfulness teacher and the founder of Living Compassion.

Nathan Curtis, founder of user experince design firm EightShapes and a recommendation made by Hack the Process guest Jina Anne, explains Design system intermediaries in his latest blog post.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.