Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got CNN Executives, Writing Contests, Monetizing Your Expertise, and More. Enjoy!

For all the links, check out the show notes at http://www.hacktheprocess.com/process-hacker-news-for-january-30-2018/

Listen in as Gavin Zuchlinski chats with Doug Morneau on Doug’s podcast about qualified prospects and client appointments.

How entrepreneurs and C level executives work together has changed, thanks to the interim executive model. That’s what Pam Wasley discusses in her latest interview on the Reach or Miss Podcast.

Being an expert at something doesn’t immediately guarantee any cash flow, but My Fab Finance founder Tonya Rapley shares her knowledge on how to monetize your expertise with host Nicaila Matthews on Side Hustle Pro.

Free stuff used to be enough to bring traffic to your website, but does free content still work in today’s saturated market? You can find out on The $100 MBA Show with Omar Zenhom.

Dad is in control has now come true for the Mom is In Control podcast! Heather Chauvin has her husband Bryan Chauvin as a guest again on her show, and they have an amusing back and forth about the experiences in their marriage and their new Facebook group. While you’re there, check out her episode on the importance of energy healing.

TCK Publishing by Tom Corson-Knowles just announced that they’ll be hosting a writing prompt competition every Friday. Check out their Facebook page for more details!

Ron Carucci writes about his chat with former CNN Executive Parisa Khosravi on what it takes to find a leader’s voice.

Julian Hayes II has two new blog posts with tips on four toxic words to avoid and four nighttime habits to keep as simple keys to success.

If you’re a woman searching for a community geared towards Purpose, Passion and Power, you are welcome to join Kesha Moore’s free Facebook group to link up!

Recommended Resources
Black Girls Code Founder Kimberly Bryant, who is also one of Michelle Kim’s role models, was recently featured on Walmart’s 28 Second of Greatness, a series they created for Black History Month that shows clips of inspirational people.

Robert Scoble thinks Mark Zuckerberg just turned up the dopamine after hearing Facebook’s recent announcement about posting more friends and family news on our Facebook feeds. Robert was recommended by Tara Hunt.

Nathan Barry of ConvertKit, the email marketing tool for online creators, has just updated their mission statement. Justin McGill spoke of Nathan in his Hack the Process interview.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. You can also listen to this episode of Hack the Process as part of the podcast. If you liked what you read here, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.