Process Hacker News for December 4, 2017

Get links to all the resources mentioned on the show notes:


Gary Vaynerchuk shares his take on mobile apps, cryptocurrency and intuition when he appears as a guest on Adam Siddiq’s podcast, The Soulfully Optimized Life.

Pay attention to Alex Cespedes’s advice: “Better writing starts with the title,” in his latest Project Book podcast episode.

Oftentimes, we want to shape our children into perfection, but there is a huge difference between parenting and “childrening.” Listen in as Guy and Ilan Ferdman share a reasonable argument in their latest episode. Also check out their two new videos about breaking old habits and getting a growth mindset on their YouTube channel.


The Lead Fuze Blog by Justin McGill has just been recognized in Quickbooks’ list of 100 Best Business Blogs. Check out the latest Lead Fuze article on 5 pricing strategies, written by Ruben Gamez.

The latest The Virtually Anywhere Daily curation is now out! Be sure to check out all the articles and videos shared by our most recent Hack the Process guest, Michelle Dale.


Andi Galpern brings you CascadeSF’s UXNight: The Blockchain on January 17, where blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency are the main themes. Take advantage of a more affordable ticket price if you register before the end of December.


Take a sneak peek at the interface of RightMessage, an up and coming on-site personalization product, co-founded by Brennan Dunn.

Share Ryan Waggoner’s tweet and take advantage of a 30% discount on, his lead generation system for freelancers.


Ashe Dryden just tweeted about donating GED textbooks to women in prison. Can you spare $20 for a good cause?

Recommended Resources

Huawei has been making waves as the third largest mobile phone company, and Shel Israel points out why Huawei is among the smartest social marketers on a recent Medium post. Previous Hack the Process guest, Tara Hunt told us that she was inspired by Shel’s work.

If you’re looking for the best entrepreneurship books, Pat Flynn recommends his top business books for 2017. Watch the video until the end for a chance to get a free copy of his current favorite! Nicaila Matthews, Omar Zenhom and Paula Jenkins have all spoken of how Pat Flynn influenced them.