Process Hacker News for November 20, 2017

Welcome to the Process Hacker News, a quick weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. For links to anything mentioned in this episode, please check out the show notes, and to join the community and receive expanded updates weekly, sign up for the mailing list at

For all the links in this episode, take a look at the show notes at


Interested in supporting diversity and inclusion? The last AlterConf SF needs sponsors! Don’t miss out on this conference by Ashe Dryden happening on December 10.

Connecting with your audience can be difficult, but cracking a joke isn’t easy either. Maybe you can pick up some tricks from Sarah Cooper by attending her talk in Chicago for the kick-off of Modus World Tour on December 6.


You’ve probably heard the phrase “just empty rhetoric,” but have you ever wondered why rhetoric has such a negative reputation? Absorb some of Daniel Coffeen’s thoughts in his most recent blog post.

Can you succeed as a Product Manager even though you’re an introvert? Product Management Expert, Rich Mironov has a good answer to that question.


The most recent Hack the Process guest, Maria Dismondy was also interviewed Katie Davis of The Institute for Writers. Listen in as they talk about support for writers.

Fear can hinder anyone, so how do we deal with it? This week Pace Smith and her wife, Kyeli, have a discussion about Futzing Without Fear in The Dervish and the Mermaid podcast.

Frustrated with Facebook’s algorithm changes? Tara Hunt just published a new video that will teach you how to survive the ever-evolving Facebook.

Tom Corson-Knowles released an interview with Ricci Wolman, Founder & CEO of Written Word Media, where they discuss all about online book marketing strategies

When we’re in the middle of running a business, sometimes it’s hard to know what to focus on. If that sounds familiar, tune in to Curtis McHale’s interview with Brent Hammond on managing your energy.


For those interested in online marketing, Mark Silver is offering a special platform bundle with three home study products and personal feedback. Learn more about the offer by checking out the link.

Recommended Resources

Tim Ferriss will be at Barnes and Noble on Union Square in New York for the launch of Tribe of Mentors on the 21st of November at 6PM. Tim has been a great influence on a number of Hack the Process guests, including Michelle Kim, Omar Zenhom, Alex Cespedes, Vinay Patankar and Malek Banoun

Jay Conrad Levinson is offering early bird tickets to Guerrilla Marketing Global Summit, which will happen from the 3rd to the 5th of May next year. Jay was mentioned as a resource by Nicole Holland.

Having values is key, even when it comes to business. Patrick Campbell chats with Kyle Porter on the importance of values-driven growth. Justin McGill named Patrick as one of his resources.

Thanks for listening to this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. Go to for links and details, or to sign up for the mailing list for expanded updates. And please leave a rating in iTunes, and a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking. This has been M. David Green for Hack the Process.