It's time to pick our Fantasy League!
The rules my friends are simple: PICK GOOD GAMES


We will take turns drafting one game until everyone has drafted 4 picks (more people this year means less picks each). You want to pick games that you predict will get ABOVE A 70.

To keep things spicy this year I’ve added one new rule: One of these picks MUST BE AN UNANNOUNCED GAME, defined as something rumoured and not officially announced yet. I suggest a house rule of making this your 4th drafted pick.

You will then draft your single counter-pick - a counter-pick is selected from the list of games that your competitors have drafted. For your counter-pick you want to select something that you think WON’T GET ABOVE A 70.

That’s the draft done!


After the draft, the rest of your picks open up through the bidding system!

Throughout the remainder of the year you can add picks by placing bids each week.

Much like anything with bids, you gotta bid more than your competitors to win the pick.

The bids are BLIND, meaning you will not be able to see if someone has bid $20 or $1.

You can chance it by taking super cheeky $1 bids or you can try and confirm it with larger amounts, but try not to blow all your money on one game at the start of the year or else you won’t be able to afford any picks later in the year! That ones for Townsey.


At the end of the year on the final episode of Hack The Dino for 2022 the winner of the Patreon Fantasy Critic League will be named and they get to send in a speech to be read on air.