Host Simon Spungin is joined by Haaretz's Judy Maltz and writer Roy Isacowitz to discuss Jewish life in South Africa, where – according to a new seven-part series by Judy – Zionism is a dirty word, Israel is the new apartheid and BDS is on the rise.

We cover the rapid and dramatic decline in the number of Jews calling the Rainbow Nation home, the impact of the BDS movement on their lives and the historical impact of Israel's support for the Apartheid regime.

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Host Simon Spungin is joined by Haaretz's Judy Maltz and writer Roy Isacowitz to discuss Jewish life in South Africa, where – according to a new seven-part series by Judy – Zionism is a dirty word, Israel is the new apartheid and BDS is on the rise.

We cover the rapid and dramatic decline in the number of Jews calling the Rainbow Nation home, the impact of the BDS movement on their lives and the historical impact of Israel's support for the Apartheid regime.

Follow Haaretz Weekly on iTunesSpotify and Google Podcasts.