Through the fog of war, details are beginning to emerge from the war in Ukraine – but the full picture is still unknown. Has Putin achieved any of his objectives so far? Why is the world surprised by Ukraine's defiance and resolve? And what does Israel stand to lose by refusing to take a stronger position against Russia? Israeli strategic planning expert and former army colonel Udi Evental joins the podcast to discuss the latest developments in the fighting, and how Syria was Putin's laboratory for the Ukraine war. Listen to his conversation with host Amir Tibon, starting at time code 07:15.

Earlier on this episode, Haaretz's Jewish World correspondent Judy Maltz brings an update on the expected wave of immigration from Ukraine to Israel, which could break all previous records in light of the war. Thousands of Ukrainian Jews have already asked for help to relocate to Israel, and many more could join them. She also discusses the disappointment among Israelis of Ukrainian origin who feel the government in Jerusalem has let them down.

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