As Israel welcomes the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest, host Simon Spungin and Haaretz culture correspondent Avi Pitchon meet with ambassadors from two of the 41 countries taking part in the competition: Ambassador Thessalia Salina Shambos of Cyprus and Ambassador Magnus Hellgren of Sweden.

We discuss the unifying character of Eurovision, the unique challenges of hosting the event in Tel Aviv, whether protests during the competition are legitimate – and much more.


As Israel welcomes the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest, host Simon Spungin and Haaretz culture correspondent Avi Pitchon meet with ambassadors from two of the 41 countries taking part in the competition: Ambassador Thessalia Salina Shambos of Cyprus and Ambassador Magnus Hellgren of Sweden.

We discuss the unifying character of Eurovision, the unique challenges of hosting the event in Tel Aviv, whether protests during the competition are legitimate – and much more.