Israel's COVID infection rate broke all-time records this week as the omicron variant washed over the country. But the same Israel that offered inspiration by being the first in the world to offer booster shots against the delta variant, now seems inclined to let this outbreak simply run its course. Rules for testing and quarantine constantly change, and many Israelis are left confused and angry. We discuss this evolving situation with Prof. Diane Levin from Clalit, Israel's largest health care provider.

Also in this episode: Days after America marked one year to the January 6 attack on Congress and the attempt to subvert American democracy, author and political analyst John Judis joins the podcast to offer a disturbing view of these events and their place in U.S. history, and to discuss his book "The Politics of our Time: Populism, Nationalism, Socialism." Listen to his full conversation with host Amir Tibon starting at time code 13:35.

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Israel's COVID infection rate broke all-time records this week as the omicron variant washed over the country. But the same Israel that offered inspiration by being the first in the world to offer booster shots against the delta variant, now seems inclined to let this outbreak simply run its course. Rules for testing and quarantine constantly change, and many Israelis are left confused and angry. We discuss this evolving situation with Prof. Diane Levin from Clalit, Israel's largest health care provider.

Also in this episode: Days after America marked one year to the January 6 attack on Congress and the attempt to subvert American democracy, author and political analyst John Judis joins the podcast to offer a disturbing view of these events and their place in U.S. history, and to discuss his book "The Politics of our Time: Populism, Nationalism, Socialism." Listen to his full conversation with host Amir Tibon starting at time code 13:35.

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