An unprecedented number of Israeli ministers and governing coalition lawmakers flew to New York City last week to participate in the annual Celebrate Israel Parade and the conferences and meetings surrounding it.

Haaretz Washington correspondent Ben Samuels joins Allison Kaplan Sommer with all the highlights of what happened next – from the historic “inflection point” of progressive American Jews and Israelis joining forces to bring pro-democracy and anti-judicial overhaul voices to the parade, to MK Simcha Rothman grabbing a megaphone from a protester following him on the street, to Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli giving the middle finger to the crowd. 

“It all showcased just how much of a fault line Israel has become, particularly under this government, in the conversation here,” Samuels said, speaking from New York. “And the optics of Israelis protesting the Israeli government at the Israel Day Parade? That’s the worst PR you can get.” 

Also on the podcast, a look at the Israeli under-20 soccer team that shocked and delighted the nation in a come-from-behind victory against powerhouse Brazil in the quarterfinals of the FIFA world championship last Sunday. Haaretz sportswriter Ido Rakovsky joins the podcast to discuss the unique qualities of a dream team made up of both Arabs and Jews, what their success means to Israeli soccer and what their coach has in common with Ted Lasso.

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