As the war in Ukraine rages on, Vladimir Putin's army is being exposed as less effective than previously thought, argues Haaretz senior correspondent Anshel Pfeffer on this week's episode. Joining from Kyiv, where he has been covering the war with photographer Ohad Zwigenberg, he shares what "normal life" currently looks like in the bombarded Ukrainian capital, explains what it takes for a journalist to enter Ukraine these days, and offers a grim assessment about the possibility of the war ending via diplomatic negotiations. 

Later on this episode, senior Haaretz analyst Alon Pinkas joins host Amir Tibon to discuss China's role in the war, and why Beijing's position is of such great interest to U.S. President Joe Biden. Can China stop Putin from further escalating the situation? Does it even want to? Listen to the full conversation starting at time code 18:24.

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Read more of our Ukraine coverage:

* With Machine Guns From a Museum, Kyiv Takes the Fight to Russia 

* Zelensky Tells Israeli Lawmakers: Russsia Is Plotting 'Final Solution' Like the Nazis 

* Why Jewish Refugees from Ukraine Are Choosing Germany Over Israel 

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