As talks between Iran and world powers over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program continue, Israel is facing a difficult choice between bad and worse options. Should it accept a flawed deal in order to postpone a potential confrontation with Tehran? Or should it ring every alarm bell and try to stop the emerging deal, even if that means risking a regional escalation with thousands of missiles falling on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem? 

On this week's episode, two of the top experts on the subject in Israel and Washington join the podcast for a heated exchange. Chuck Freilich, Israel's former deputy national security adviser, argues that a bad deal is still the best option and preferable to the current situation; Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, warns of a nightmare scenario that will strengthen both Iran and Vladimir Putin. 

Hosts Amir Tibon and Allison Kaplan Sommer ask them both about the prospect of an Israeli military strike against Iran, the impact of Trump's decision to destroy the previous nuclear deal in 2018, and whether Israel can trust the U.S. to use military force against Iran if needed. 

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