"Every Christian should be concerned they will be found worthy of Him.
But the worldly Church run by the devil says be saved and have faith for your prosperity, for your life to prosper. They believe they picked the right God and they deny their own cross. This is the bread of deception. The Bible says to lose your life is to gain your life! You cannot keep watch of His Kingdom if your kingdom is first. Worse yet, you will live a life intended to be glorious for Jesus as a deceived one, flat broke. Watch! Wait! And pray that you will be found worthy!" Shane W Roessiger

Video: https://youtu.be/-r6_UsnKFuI

Word: Revelation 12:10-11, Revelation 3, Matthew 10:12-14, Matthew 24, Matthew 10:32-42, Matthew 22:1-14, Acts 5, Luke 12:16-59 , Matthew 24:37-51 , Ephesians 4:1-3 , Colossians 1:9-11, 2 Thessalonians 1

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