" What breeds persecution? Jealousy, envy, and lack of spiritual insight! Everyone in a false kingdom breeds persecution! There warped theology! NOW let's dig and see why everyone is not receiving hundredfold promises that Jesus spoke out of His lips. I want to eat the bread at the table of the Lord. How about you? After the rich young man was denied access into the kingdom of God, Jesus spoke to His disciples and they said, "Wow, then who can be saved?” Peter, soon to be one of the 12 apostles, says, "Lord, I have done all of that." In three different gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) - in three different ways - Jesus says: "Hundredfold houses, family, lands, and so on." And He said, "In this time and the World to come." But don't forget - then He said, "WITH PERSECUTION." Wow, so what is scripture saying? This time! This time means now! Now is always now!

What is this persecution? From whom does persecution come? From earthly family and friends and from the religious people! Persecution always comes from people who look at you and think that they should have the same that you have and be the same that you are! Look at Cain and Abel! Abel’s blessing got him so persecuted! It got him killed. Listening to the wrong theology will stop what God has for you as well. Jealousy is not the work of the Spirit. Hating your brother is a work of hell. God said, "If you do well, would I bless you?" To be accepted by God is to be blessed by Him." By Shane W Roessiger

Watch the full message: https://youtu.be/AcPGmfqwbIw

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