"If you have been with the Word of God long enough, you would have known what Jesus really looks like and how the foundation should be. If any other thing is in the way, you must remove it.
Peter is called Cephas – the rock - but he is not the one we build upon. Upon the revelation of who Christ is: that is the right revelation. We build on the revelation of the Word only. Anything built upon a man is a harlot. Anything built upon Jesus is the church, the Bride. Only those who are built upon the right foundation, whatsoever they loose is loosed in heaven; whatsoever they bind, it is bound in heaven. To only those, the keys of the Kingdom were given. To only those, the door of hell will not prevail. These apostolic keys of authority are only for those who live on the rock – a fastened and sure foundation. Let us allow God and His apostle and prophets to remove all that is between you and the rock!" Shane W Roessiger

“And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” Matthews 21:44

Word: John 1:1-17 – Luke 6:43-49 – Ephesians 2:19-22 – Matthew 7:20-29 – Romans 15;19-22 – 1 Corinthians 3:9-23 – Psalms 118:20-29 – 1 Peter:19-21 – Matthew 16

Watch the full message: https://youtu.be/IsZyxkJHsNA

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