Being a Gym Owner, you'd think, we'd be the healthiest, fittest people on the planet physically and mentally. Considering we have all the knowledge, know how and resources at our fingertips. But this is quite often not the case as the job can be incredibly demanding.

In my 9 years of owning gyms I was at my fittest and I was also at my weakest. Not just physically, but also mentally. The roller coaster ride that is gym ownership is not for the weak.

Like any business, success takes sacrifice and after all these years I know this all to well and most gym owners I've met have gone through the same battles.

Today I share those battles and how I overcame them. The mistakes and wins. I also share why, as a gym owner, it can be a recipe for disaster for your actual health.

Watch the video and let me know what you think in the comments!

Will Hurst & The Big Little Gyms Team

Want some hands on help, mentorship, guidance, structure and trainings to help you not only survive, but take advantage of a newly wide open market?

BLG Foundations — A proven 9-week program that includes mentorship, trainings and tools to show you how to scale your gyms marketing, sales, operations and fulfillment to greatness using hyper-systemization.

BLG Foundations — A proven 9-week program that includes mentorship, trainings and tools to show you how to scale your gyms marketing, sales, operations and fulfillment to greatness using hyper-systemization.

Learn more about Foundations and get a FREE Demo here:

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