Are you a business owner or did you just buy yourself a job?

GHR 013 is all about defining the difference between being a business owner vs being self-employed.

Being tacticians and people of service we often find ourselves in low-leverage positions in our businesses.

👉Also, since a lot of us come from the corporate world, where we are the ones being leveraged. We've never been trained or have adopted a "rich dad" mindset.

While the nuts-and-bolts work can make us feel like it's making an impact or making us feel fulfilled it usually results in burnout.

👉The next stage is gaining leverage, usually once you find leverage you begin to feel that sense of freedom you thought you were signing up for when you started this whole thing.

We also talk about how to gain leverage and systemize so you can be happy, fulfilled, have real impact on the world and make an awesome paycheck!

Enjoy, subscribe and review!
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