In this GYDA Talks, Robert talks to Stefan Bardega. Stef is Co-Founder of Traktion, a new SaaS platform that helps businesses discover and hire the best freelance marketing talent. Stefan spent the previous 15 years building various agencies including two that reached number one spot: MediaCom and iProspect. He grew the MediaCom digital agency business from 14 to 300 people during tenure and was most recently CEO of iProspect in the UK, an operation with 700 people.

Robert and Stefan discuss:

What can others learn or try to emulate from the big players in the market?Clients want deep specialismThe change is that clients know moreEverything and nothing has changedIndependent businesses don’t know what to buy or who to hire or what to measureTalk to us about the new model that Traktion is building for marketing-led growth – more project-based, agile, lower overheads and data-drivenWhat does it feel like to be in the shoes of a “start-up”/new kid on the block?Stefan’s recommendations/pearls of wisdom, golden nuggets

This is a bite-size version of the hour-long interview. To watch the rest visit