In this GYDA Talks, Robert talks to Michael Tipper of Peak Performance Productivity. Michael is on a mission to help busy professionals squeeze even more juice out of this thing called life by helping them cross the bridge from overwhelm to overachievement. From distraction to disciplined delivery. From procrastination to purposeful progress.

His specialities include: How To Be Productive Working Remotely, Finding Focus In A Distracted World, Eliminating Procrastination To Get More Done and Taking Back Control Of Your Email.

Robert and Michael discuss:

“Productivity is a habit!”What is your definition of productivity?Is personal productivity (for the CEO) the same as productivity for the team?How do you improve their productivity?How do you improve your own productivity?Why does productivity matter? We’ve all done the courses…There is no shortage of productivity gurus… who do you rate?How do you differ from the run-of-the-mill productivity trainers?Do you rate the get-up-at-4 brigade?Michael’s recommendations/pearls of wisdom, golden nuggets


This is a bitesize version of the hour-long video. To watch the rest please visit