In this GYDA Talks, Robert talks to Gareth Hoyle of Marketing Signals. Straight from university, Gareth started his own digital marketing agency from which Marketing Signals has grown. A commercial mind with a deep technical understanding, he conveys comprehensive digital marketing knowledge in a straightforward and easily understandable way to stakeholders at all levels. An investor in people.

Robert and Gareth discuss:

How is your agency different? Why do people buy from you?Are there secrets of success? What do you need to do to grow an agency?How did you respond to COVID-19?You refer to the ‘bull***t’ that goes with the models of running an agency – why?Is the agency model dead?Is it a hamster wheel or a flywheel?Are agencies short-changing clients?Why don’t clients in-house more agency services… or go to Bangalore…?Recommendations/pearls of wisdom, golden nuggets.


This is a bitesize version of the hour-long video. To watch the rest please head over to