In this GYDA Talks, Robert talks to Michael Knorr. Mike has over seven years of providing hands on strategic internet marketing recommendations to clients and prospects. In his consultative business development role he helps companies (representing both That Company! and it’s numerous white label and affiliate partners) identify the digital marketing channels that will best help the prospect attain the greatest return on investment. Once Michael has developed the high level strategy he then puts it into the hands of That Company’s digital marketing professionals who work with the client on day to day execution of the strategy.

Michael Knorr has directly worked on marketing projects for prestigious clients such as The Orlando Magic, The Orlando Solar Bears, and Western Union a Fortune 500 company.


Robert and Mike discuss:

The three things agencies need to do:

1) Elevate every activity

2) Centres of influence a) land b) retain c) expand

3) Rest


White label agencies:

– What can go wrong?

– How much do they cost?

– How to integrate them or start using them?

– Supplier or partner?


The future agency landscape


This is a bite-size version of the hour-long video. To watch the rest head on over to GYDA Member Hub!