In this episode, I am joined by return guest, Logan Waterhouse.
Logan joined us way back in episode 15, and we spoke then about him being a Datsun 120Y tragic and almost 3 years on nothing has changed.
We got to talk about a massive crash that Logan had in his Rally car that was once his double duty Rally and Drift car, the damage to driver, co-driver and the car, and how he's managed to repair it and bring it back to life.
We also got to talk about another 120Y that will be built solely with Drift in mind.
Aside from that, I got to learn the differences between a pre-run and blind rally as well as getting into more specific rally talk.
I have been wanting to learn more about rally since the inception of the podcast, and this episode has been a great start into the world of rally for me.
It was great to chat with Logan about so many different aspects of rally car setup and driving, and I hope that you all enjoy this episode.

We spoke briefly about a video in this episode and you can watch that here:

You can find Logan on:




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AJ Hoad

Johnny Wombat

Lonely Drivers Driving Club