With Suzanne Hanna, a licensed psychotherapist, holistic health practitioner, spiritual coach, writer and inspirational speaker who has helped hundreds of men and women move through their fear and pain as a way to live a more inspired and wholehearted life. She is the founder and creator of The Wilderness Walk, an experiential hero’s journey through the darkness and fear of the inner mind and the pain of the wounded heart in order to help others integrate ALL aspects of their being, both light and dark, and has created a membership community called The Map that provides countless tools, support and inspiration for those who are committed to owning their path and living a life of deeper meaning and purpose.

Suzanne works with people who are committed to their own healing. The courageous souls who want to live the best versions of themselves and be a ripple in this world for others. Her seven and nine week journey’s are changing lives all over the world and leading people on a path to internal freedom. She is currently working on her first book about her personal journey. She also hosts a popular LIVE weekly radio show and is a featured blogger.

Join us for our enlightening conversation as she shares her insights and helpful tips on how we can achieve true healing and internal freedom. You will also enjoy listening to Suzanne as she talks about the concept of shadow and light, how we are composed of different bodies, the masculine and feminine energies within us, our backpack of life experiences, and how important evolution is.

To access the show notes, visit us at legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast