With Michelle Nedelec, a multi-passionate entrepreneur and strategist who has over 20 years of experience in Executive Coaching, working with clients ranging from 8 figures to solopreneurs. Michelle runs the creative side of her Done For You Marketing Tech services helping entrepreneurs set up and maintain their Infusionsoft (Keap Max Classic) through her company, Awareness Strategies at AwarenessStrategies.com. She is also a Success Therapist and an International Bestselling author who started in coaching on the smaller scale to now training and implementing strategic marketing and automation.

Join us for our conversation where Michelle discusses the phases of entrepreneurship, her tips on affiliate marketing, and the most common mistakes that small business owners make in managing their CRM. You will also hear her share on the key components of business: Strategy, Systems and State of Mind so you know how to continually elevate all three components to build a healthy, thriving, business.

To view our show notes for this and other episodes, visit our website at legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast